ARREST FAUCI: Claiming to Not Remember Crimes Against Humanity Does Not Excuse Them
Here's what the public missed when Fauci testified behind closed doors
The CDC is now saying there have been enough cases of people who have had the vaccine… received the vaccine… and then suffered a stroke that…
Anthony Fauci, the country's highest-paid and most corrupt federal employee, is at the center of the massive deep-state corruption of the 2020s.
He has had the gall to lie to Congress and gaslight the US population, in his last-ditch efforts to clear his name of all of his wrongdoings. Fauci’s repetitive lies have resulted in many deaths. No faction of the US government should be strong enough to protect a criminal like this.
If Fauci is not arrested for his crimes, this will send a dangerous message to the world. All of the actions that governments committed under the guise of public health were atrocious and pseudoscientific, and we need to send a very clear message that our constitution and medical freedoms will never be violated in the future. If not, then we can only expect worse things in the future.
Fauci Conveniently Claims to have Forgotten Key Details
Fauci has deceived the public about Covid for nearly five years, and it is becoming harder for him to cover himself, especially since individuals like Rand Paul have been diligently pursuing justice.
Vaccines were ineffective in preventing the spread of Covid, and now the public is gradually learning that these experimental vaccines are very harmful. The CDC has recently noted that there has been a large number of people who received the Covid vaccine and then had a stroke afterward.
In last-minute desperation, Fauci is doing everything he can to cover himself. The X account False Flag also shared a clip of Fauci during his Wolf of Wall Street moments, in which he repeatedly failed to recall emails and conversations.
Any other citizen or federal employee would have been thrown in jail already, but Facui’s handlers seem to have rendered him immune to anything, even questioning from Congress. Politicians like Rand Paul have already been pursuing justice for years, and the window of opportunity to arrest Fauci is slowly, but surely closing.
Remember Nuremberg and Tremble
Fauci seems to have forgotten a lot of things lately. Does he remember the Nuremberg Doctors’ Trial?
Anyone with a knowledge of history should easily be appalled by the dangers Fauci put himself in due to his lack of medical ethics during Covid. What is even more shocking is the fact that Fauci continued to act so boldly after Congress hearings. Fauci could have admitted wrongdoing early on and avoided lying to Congress. Instead, he chose to gaslight Rand Paul and others by claiming he was innocent.
During this time, many doctors in Germany had to stand trial for their medical war crimes, including heinous acts like sterilization and other medical experiments that they performed on prisoners. Sadly, many of these doctors felt justified in their actions and attempted to defend themselves, although these objections were proven futile in the court of law.
In this case, Fauci is much worse than a doctor who simply thought that he was being obedient and performing his role. He was responsible for pushing the healthcare initiatives to force this experimental vaccine on the public, which resulted in many deaths and vaccine injuries. Pfizer initially wanted to wait until the 2070s to release the data, which clearly breaks the concept of informed consent.
Given that Covid is most likely a bioweapon and not a natural virus that came from a wet market, this war crime analogy is very appropriate, and it is very apparent that Fauci committed heinous medical crimes. While Fauci clearly has strong protection from corrupt factions of our government, this standing could change very soon as the new administration pushes for justice for those who were deceived and harmed by these covid initiatives. Fauci’s consistent lies reflect that he knows how much danger he is in, and is scrambling to cover himself from the line of fire.
Lies, Damned Lies, and Fauci Lies
As the highest-paid federal employee in the country, Fauci has proved that it pays well to repetitively lie to the American population.
Rand Paul has slammed Fauci for years for lying about his gain-of-function research and scolded him for attempting to change the definition of gain-of-function research.
While Fauci has been able to resist Paul and Congress for many years, Rand Paul’s actions have not been in vain. The lab leak theory is becoming more prominent now and the NIH has also had to finally admit that it funded gain of function research. Paul recently commented on how it was suspicious that they were resisting him for three years, but that things were finally beginning to pick up.
“But in the end, we have now the FBI, Department of Energy, myself, many members of Congress, and many scientists believing that the evidence points towards this virus coming from the lab.”
Fauci has done everything he can to distance himself from some of the emails that show that he lied, funded gain of function research, and was responsible for millions of deaths. Even after the public learned that he deleted emails to attempt to cover himself, and lied about many of his actions, nothing has been done to prosecute Facui since the deep state has been protecting him.
As Rand Paul stated in 2021, Fauci and the NIH wouldn’t be resisting so hard if they didn’t have something to hide. Time has proven that they indeed have been very dishonest, and their consistent lying shows they have a lot to hide. Nobody wants to be remembered as the guy in history who killed millions of people, but this characterization represents the truth about Fauci’s actions.
Arresting Fauci is Necessary
Since 2020, the United States has seen record growth in medical atrocities, free speech violations, and anti-Semitism. The shocking realization is that even the strongest foundation can be shaken and that the United States is not immune to a hostile takeover by forces that violate medical freedom and other positive values that have helped shape our nation in the past. Without preventive measures, the US could turn into a complete authoritarian medical dystopia, with characteristics that would dwarf the medical violations that took place during Covid.
Fauci’s fate is likely a litmus test for the deep state, as they can gauge data from this to determine how strongly they can push back against the upcoming Trump administration. There has already been a strong pushback against individuals like RFK Jr., who have laid out a clear case for why most people should fear Fauci. With other leaders in place, like Rand Paul and Thomas Massie, there is a chance that the government will be able to arrest Fauci this year for his unethical medical actions and decision to lie to Congress.
Fauci needs to be arrested, not just for the sake of medical freedom, but for the freedom of this entire country. The prosecution of Fauci would send clear signals that the deep state has no right to trample on our medical freedom and our right to free speech. It would show that nobody is above the law, even if they have protection from multiple federal agencies.
Sadly, it is not certain that the US government will be able to prosecute Fauci, and Biden could even issue him a last-minute pardon if he feels like the Trump administration would go after Fauci. In a recent interview on Rand Paul Review, Robert Scott Bell noted that states could still go after Fauci even if he happened to be pardoned at the federal level. Hopefully, the response against Fauci is as strong as possible, not just for the sake of justice, but also for the safety of future generations.
If Fauci is not arrested as soon as possible, it will send the message that corrupt factions of the deep state are above the law. It will display how Congress does not even have the power to go after people who lie while under oath. This would be a very dangerous benchmark for the future, as far as free speech, public health, and other liberties go.
Biden it was just announced will pardon Fauci who should along with many others be indicted inder RICO. His pardon looks like a capstone to the most corrupt and out of control Administration in our history. Hopefully the States can go after hom and the big Pharma Execs for the coverup
Other countries are trying to get the shot banned. They are finding crazy things in autopsies only on COVID patients. Recently announced there is particle DNA in the injection that causes Cancers that cannot be cured causing deaths within as little as 3 months. There is so much more about this. Check overseas where studies have been done. There is so much more