Should we look to the evidence that creates the outrage against Fauci and conclude it couldn’t be more than justified? There is now potentially incontrovertible proof that Dr. Anthony (Tony) Fauci, former director of the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH), planned the entire pandemic so that people would be forced to receive a bioweapon in the form of a COVID vaccine.
This is what Rand Paul is claiming, and with documents that have recently surfaced, Fauci truly could have been the one who planned the entire COVID conspiracy.
Fauci Cries
This new evidence reveals that Fauci used a secret back channel to communicate with his co-conspirators about how to manufacture terror and get people to comply with taking a bioweapon created by Pfizer, Moderna, and others, doing the bidding of a corrupt group of U.S. government agencies including the NIH, DARPA, and 15 other US government agencies as described by Senator Rand Paul.
A select subcommittee is now investigating Fauci. In recent testimony to Congress, Fauci broke down in tears, saying “Every time someone gets up and says, I’m responsible for the death of people throughout the world, the death threats go up.” Is Fauci, because we refuse to call him a doctor, responsible for massive deaths now recorded in the VAERS system caused by COVID vaccinations?
Let’s start with the fact that Fauci stated, in 2017, that there would be “a surprise pandemic outbreak.” Fauci also has close ties with Bill Gates, the same man who killed thousands of girls in India with a “polio” vaccine meant to “cure” polio.
Fauci has also worked closely with Dr Robert Malone, suspected to have close ties to the CIA and DARPA, and who claims to have discovered the mRNA vaccine, but who later stated that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines might make COVID-19 infections worse. Notice Malone never talked about the fact that the vaccines were causing outright death, myocarditis, spontaneous miscarriage in pregnant women, and more. Many say Malone is controlled opposition, though he has called Fauci himself into question and has commented on the Veritas video exposure of Pfizer and also explains that the World Health Organization (WHO) was created by the CIA.
The jury is out on Dr. Robert Malone, but Dr. Morens, another Fauci flunky, might lead us to the truth about Fauci’s secret plans to create a COVID vaccine free-for-all for his friends in Big Pharma.
Fauci’s Back Door Comms Channel
Then let’s look at Fauci’s backdoor communications.
Dr. Fauci’s Senior Advisor when he was at the NIH, Dr. David Morens, wrote to EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak, “I can either send stuff to Tony on his private gmail, or hand it to him at work…He is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble.”
Then Dr. Morens, again under Fauci’s guidance, says in response “I suggest Arthur try to interview Tony directly and connected him to our “secret back channel” to try to avoid bringing attention to Dr. Fauci’s communications - ostensibly keeping his dealings out of the public eye that could end up being scrutinized with Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests.
In public testimony, Dr. Morens admits to using Dr. Fauci’s private email address to communicate to avoid FOIA requests altogether.
Chairman Brad Wenstrup writes to Fauci in a letter, that there will be a full investigation into the origins of COVID, the gain-of-function research that was taking place illegally, and seriously undermined public trust in the agency’s of health represented by the NIH and others, that fooled the American people.
Dr. Fauci and the NIH were entangled with Big Pharma from the jump. NIH scientists earned more than $710 million in royalties from drugmakers who made COVID vaccines. More than $690 million went to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), led by Dr. Anthony Fauci and 260 of its scientists.
There are even government patents on a vaccine for a COVID-like virus and over 100 for other vaccines.
Then the NIH re-issued a grant to EcoHealth, the controversial lab that conducted gain-of-function research, to continue research on bats that purportedly led to the creation of COVID in a lab in Wuhan.
This looks to be a planned release of a bioweapon created with the oversight of Dr. Fauci and his minions in backroom conversations that were never meant to see the light of day in public.
Who Planned It All?
Is Fauci just the fall guy for the deep state who colluded with other government agencies run by Big Pharma lobbyists, and who paid off the FDA, CDC, NIH, and other US government institutions to push the COVID vaccine on unsuspecting Americans, let alone the world? Or did he mastermind the whole darned thing? The FOIA requests won’t reveal all of Dr. Malone and Dr. Fauci’s conversations, but there’s already mounting evidence that Fauci was a key player, and should be tried under oath, for crimes against humanity.
Past time for Nuremberg 2.0. Short ropes and long drops. Start with Fauci. Gates can be number two.
Also, just to flag. Help me with some clarification here, my understanding is that Robert Malone has been an outspoken critic of the whole debacle right from the get go. Can you offer up some references with regards to your view that he is 'controlled opposition'?
That would be very helpful in me understanding more.
Especially given what Malone wrote in his 2022 book: Lies My Gov't Told Me.