Matt Damon, Nic Cage, and Cher Do NOT Need Taxpayer-Funded Insurance
Jack Hunter and Paul zero in on the expansive eligibility for government insurance
Rand Paul is fond of arguing that those who call for universal healthcare are actually calling for slavery. That slavery takes the form of the enslavement of medical professionals. It is hypothetically possible that government’s use of force will one day require medical care for the sick.
The problem lies in the fact that some sick and injured individuals lack health insurance. Few have enough cash on hand to pay for medical procedures that have become egregiously expensive.
Moreover, Paul is also calling out the wealthy who take advantage of publicly financed healthcare.
Who Really Deserves Healthcare?
Scroll through the Kentucky Senator’s X feed and you’ll find he’s highlighting the inequities of government insurance. Celebrities with mansions and boats don’t need government-financed healthcare.
Those who comprise the middle class who need healthcare the most. The lower class receives healthcare through Medicaid. The elderly receive healthcare through Medicare. It is those stuck in the middle who find healthcare unavailable or egregiously expensive.
“Are we gonna give up our freedom and say to the government you decide what kind of insurance I get and what it covers. It’s a freedom issue. We have always taken care of those who are sick in our country. We have never, ever turned anyone away. I’m a physician. I’ve operated in hospitals for 25 years. I have never, ever seen anyone turned away who needed care.” – Rand Paul
Democrats are quick to argue that private employers have broken their “social contract” with workers. However, no such social contract exists.
The social contract in which employers are supposed to take the caretaker role of government is nothing but a political science concoction dreamed up by academicians in ivory towers.
The healthcare problem boils down to this: we are squeezing the middle class to buoy the poor, the wealthy, and the elderly.
Paul’s Healthcare Ideas are Novel
If the Kentucky Senator had his way, his new bill would permit association health plans. Such plans would liberate members to bypass state requirements that hike costs.
Those against the idea insist the plan would harm the market of those with full insurance. There is the potential for the change to incentivize the departure of healthy individuals and groups.
Paul’s plan empowers membership organizations to provide a multi-state health plan through self-insurance. Though few know it, the ERISA legislation passed in the 70s empowers large businesses to sidestep state benefit mandates through self-insured health plans. Those plans are exempt from government mandates.
Paul’s bill is designed to classify groups that establish health marketplace pools as official employers. Such a designation would allow for the application of ERISA rules that empower those sizeable employers to establish healthcare that is characterized by self-insured plans.
If Paul’s idea gains traction, it would bar healthplace market pools from discrimination. Such discrimination takes the form of punishing potential members based on pre-existing conditions or other factors related to health status.
Is Healthcare Change in the Works for the New Year?
Paul’s push for meaningful change to America’s healthcare system echoes a similar push he made in 2022. The Kentucky Senator’s 2022 bill died while in committee. Though his healthcare legislation ideas haven’t led to change, his voice is still respected as he is a former eye doctor.
“But the people who are saying thousands of people are gonna die. That is such hyperbole and ignorance and over-the-top statements that I think they lose credibility by saying things like that. No one is going to die in America, we haven’t let people die in America for hundreds of years because doctors take care of and hospitals take care of all comers.” - Paul
There is hope for the future as President-elect Trump is returning to the highest office in the land. Paul and Trump might build enough momentum in the beltway to restore individual liberty to healthcare decisions.
Backed by Paul, Trump might repeal the Affordable Care Act of the Obama era, creating something completely different. Perhaps the new system of healthcare would feature Paul’s association health plans.
These are exciting times. Republicans in D.C. now have a lawmaking mandate that sets the stage for significant change. There has never been a better time to be a Republican.
Let me remind you Senator that Medicare is NOT FREE GOVERNMENT health care! Part A hospital coverage is low cost and there is not a premium for this but I pay every month $300 to cover Part B, eye care, dental and medications all which also have a deductible! In this case you are being dishonest. Eye care only covers exams, nothing for glasses which my lenses alone cost me $500 and frames run from $159-700. Depending on where you buy them. Dental covers cleaning twice a year and maybe $25 for a filling and up to $1500 for root canal which where I live root canals run $2599-3500. Thank goodness my teeth are very good and all my fillings were done, switched from silver to some non silver amalgam 15 years ago under very good private insurance.
My medication has a $5000 deductible before it pays 20%. Glad I have only 2 medication which fill with low cost generic and with Rx card gives better price than my supplemental. The rub is; if I stop paying for medication supplemental then restart coverage because maybe needing some real expensive drug, yup, I get a penalty fee tacked on the monthly fee as punishment. This extra fee is also tacked on to ANY part B or supplemental coverage not began by the time you retire and lose your work place private insurance.
Another fallacy you ignor here is this is: these fees I pay for myself alone.husband had to carry his own supplement coverage which is another $300 a month. Our total Medicare insurance coverage costs us $600 a month. Luckily we knew SS was robbed from us our whole life after it was started and saved for this time in life. We did not buy a boat, jet skis, cabin in woods or more than two vacation during our 30 years of marriage. We did not have brand new cars till age 64 or a small modest home purchased till in our late 30’s.
Now as septuagenarians we’re doing OK because we knew government was greedy and had stolen our SS money years ago then calling it what it is not and never was a “government freebie”! You people used that money on pork and endless wars then lying to everyone every election year! If you only had been wise enough, actually cared what the policies you make do to we plebes, used that money for an investment group coverage . Yes, Alaska in the 80’s formed the “Permanent Fund” which interest alone pays each citizen a dividend each year and underwrites public infrastructure. That is until the local greedy politicians violated our constitution forbidding rearranging the formula on how the corpus is used. Now the law makers steal part of we the people’s money each year for past 10+ years or so with flimsy reasons why it is now legal to make up their own formula and take greater amounts to run state government. If only you intellectual congressmen and senators had been as astute, Medicare burden of monthly coverage would be either lower or actually paid by our investment in SS.
SS is another really sore spot for me. If I had personally had that money to invest I would be multimillionaire now instead if getting only part of what was put in over 58 years of employment.
I challenge you to actually tell the truth here. You got some of it right. Those who are multimillionaires like more than 2 million probably can cover most medical costs until something really over the top expensive. Then they to can easily be wiped out by the bill.
Another key peeve about SS is you politicians allowing part of all our funds being paid to people who NEVER put into it. I know of elderly people moving to America from one of our ally countries who never contributed while working as they NEVER worked in US or for US in their home country. They got a SS check for years. They were my neighbors while I was still working more than 40 hours a week in my 40’s. That’s plain wrong and now that it’s broke. SS Ponzi scheme seems to now be paying for lots of ILLEGALs stuff right ? (I might be wrong in that)
I implore you, say it correctly and ACTUALLY. Do something about how DC greedy politicians somehow get filthy rich while supposedly serving the people. Best kept secret how you get away with a type of insider trading for yourselves, look at how Nancy Pelosi amassed personal huge wealth by knowing what to invest in and when for greatest return. Martha Stewart did much less than that and served what was it 5 years in fed lock-up? Again clean it up, expose even yourself in this game of taxation and then extra money taken for SS and Medicare that is not a hand out, it’s my hard earned money completely wasted in so many ways.
Alright, I think you get the picture of real truthful facts. What are you going to do?
This is all well and good, but as long as there’s not an overwhelming wave of support for change, nothing will happen. Schumer and the rest of the swamp will slow walk everything and run out the clock.
Trump needs an EO on day one to expose the size of the federal slave state.