Rand Paul Can Save the Government From Future Shutdowns
Government shutdowns hang ominously overhead as we enter the second Trump administration yet Senator Paul has a plan to maintain continuity
It seems like we can’t make it through a full year without the threat of a government shutdown. Even when the government is not shut down, it is almost always highly dysfunctional.
Rand Paul has come up with a course of action to keep the government open. Paul’s suggestion is a template for the next Trump administration and the entirety of governance moving forward.
The Paul plan is referred to as the Government Shutdown Prevention Act.
Paul’s Government Shutdown Prevention Act
It seems like the United States is constantly facing the prospect of passing pork-filled bloated spending bills or shutting down the government. The Kentucky senator’s solution is an amendment in the form of the Government Shutdown Prevention Act.
The amendment is meant to keep the government open without extending the debt ceiling. The amendment reduces the incentive for lawmakers to agree to massive spending bills. Paul’s plan puts the country on a path toward a balanced budget.
“No matter where one stands on the debate over government spending, we should all be able to agree that Congress needs to handle Americans’ money thoughtfully and hit its deadlines. The Government Shutdown Prevention Act would take a major step forward toward bringing basic fiscal responsibility to Capitol Hill.” – Rand Paul (R-KY)
If congressional representatives got on board with Paul’s amendment, the government would remain functional without continuing its free-spending ways. The proposal is the perfect solution to a budget stalemate.
Moreover, Paul’s plan could be used for dealmaking and unity across posterity. The harsh truth is that the country is becoming more divided. Unification through consensus is fundamental for government functionality in the years and decades ahead.
Rand Paul and Speaker Mike Johnson Disagree
If Speaker Mike Johnson had his way, we’d continue to spend taxpayer dollars without significant restraint. Paul is at odds with Johnson as his plan reduces spending. The Paul approach is fiscally responsible as it thwarts crises, balances the budget, and prevents unnecessary spending.
There is no sense risking government shutdowns when Paul’s Act maintains an open government. Let’s take a deep dive into the Paul plan to provide a closer look at the details.
The Paul approach includes a 6% tax decrease. The tax cut is a component of the Kentucky senator’s Six Penny Plan. The plan aims to balance the federal budget in five years.
Though the Six Penny Plan didn’t pass through the Senate when brought to the floor this past September, it had support. The vote total was 39-56. The support is a positive sign for Paul’s ideas despite the fact that the Six Penny Plan did not become law.
The election of more Republicans to Congress in the years ahead will help Paul gain momentum, potentially paving a path for the Six Penny Plan’s passage.
Congress Must be Held Accountable
Paul’s idea is to decrease funding by 1% across every ensuing three months after a budget agreement is not reached. The funding decrease would be applicable to government activities including programs and agencies that Congress fails to fund.
At the moment, there are no consequences for Congress failing to pass appropriation bills in a timely manner. As a result, lawmakers are procrastinating instead of taking wide action. The result is the risk of a shutdown after a failure to reach consensus.
Paul’s suggestion is made in the spirit of efficiency as it would give agencies confidence knowing that they will remain functional with an entire year of funding. The funding would be 91% or more of existing levels. Paul’s plan guarantees the government would fulfill its duties while remaining operational.
The Paul Vision Might be Inspiration for Government Change
Paul’s amendment would be tied to H.R. 82 currently presented to Congress. The legislation was designed to address Social Security challenges. If passed into law, Paul’s plan would ensure shutdown crises do not occur.
If Paul’s plan isn’t passed, Congress will continue to operate without penalty for failing to timely pass appropriations bills into law. Such an outcome would allow federal lawmakers to drag their feet without implementing utilitarian change.
Yes, the debt driven economy defers our spending excesses as a stealth tax upon the future of our children and grandchildren. This is enabled and promoted by the international banking cartels.