RAND PAUL: We Should Not Be Sending the Army Into Our Cities
Paul is staunchly against the use of armed soldiers to remove illegal immigrants from the country
There have been some rumblings that the military will be used to deport illegal immigrants from the United States. Kentucky senator Rand Paul is pushing back against the idea of using the army to forcibly remove illegals.
However, Trump might not listen, opting to make a powerful statement through domestic military action.
The Optics of Military Operations at Home are a Net Negative
Aside from the potential for harm and abuse, using armed soldiers for deportations is a bad look. Unleashing our military into American cities to prowl for illegal invaders creates an image problem for the United States.
Paul and other concerned patriots are aware that Trump previously promised to indemnify police officers and other government agents who deport illegals. In other words, those agents of the state would be legally empowered to physically harm or even kill illegal immigrants without penalty.
The worst-case scenario is emboldened state agents wantonly operating with a license to kill immigrants. Though a genocide of illegal immigrants is highly unlikely, abuse of power is likely to occur.
As is often said, power corrupts.
Paul Insists There is a Better Way to Deport Illegal Immigrants
Instead of relying on the military for deportations, Paul would prefer to use police officers or ICE agents. Ideally, those requesting food bank donations, EBT food stamps, and a bed at a homeless shelter would be forced to present identification.
"That's what he said yesterday, or his spokesman said. The stories all said he would declare an emergency to use the military to remove people. I'm not for that. I'm not in favor of sending the Army in uniforms into our cities to collect people. That's not what we use our military for; we never have. And it's actually been illegal for over 100 years to bring the Army into our cities." - Paul
Police officers and ICE agents could be positioned at homeless shelters, food banks, and other government assistance locations to round up illegals. Moreover, the federal government should encourage employers to contact ICE and/or police when job-seekers fail to provide identification.
Militaristic Deportations are a Dangerous Overreaction
Deportations should be conducted by domestic forces as opposed to those trained to fight on foreign lands. The Kentucky senator highlighted how the purpose of the military is to battle foreign militaries as opposed to removing immigrants from the homeland.
"Our Army and our military are trained to shoot the enemy. They're not trained to get a warrant to do what they're doing. The police have a difficult job, but the people removing people from our country need to be a police enforcement domestic agency, not the military." – Paul
Domestic law enforcement is better suited to peacefully remove illegal invaders with minimal use of force. Though police officers carry weapons, their training is provided in the spirit of protection as opposed to aggression.
Paul is Still on Board With Deporting Illegals
The Kentucky senator isn’t softening his stance on immigration. Paul wants legal immigration that opens the door to nonviolent individuals capable of making meaningful contributions.
Paul has gone out of his way to highlight the United States has been invaded by at least 15,000 migrants who are guilty of murder. Moreover, our nation is now called home by 13,000 invaders who have been found guilty of violent sex crimes.
The statistics noted above are concerning yet they do not justify unleashing the nation’s military into the streets. Such an action would be an abuse of the president’s emergency powers. The Kentucky senator insists such powers have the potential to deviate from our system of checks and balances, ultimately defying the lawmaking body of Congress.
"They smack of martial rule. They smack of no congressional approval.” – Paul
Paul went on to state the citizens of the United States will stand firmly behind Trump if he deports invaders found guilty of crimes. The challenge lies in identifying those evildoers through a verification process that matches names and faces to logged crimes.
A Chance at the American Dream
When pressed on how the Trump administration might handle hardworking immigrants who entered illegally, he expressed sympathy. Paul noted that illegals who’ve worked in the United States for years or decades might receive amnesty.
Paul’s proposal is to extend work permits for hardworking illegal immigrants who’ve made a contribution to the United States. Though those individuals would not be given voting rights.
However, those hardworkers might be allowed to remain in the land of the free to live the American dream.
And what happens WHEN the law enforcement agencies refuse to get involved? Are the governors and mayors giving them those orders going to be charged with obstruction of justice, or will the whole thing just stall?
This is not a plan.. it is a NON-PLAN. If Rand Paul is in favor of the status quo, he is on the wrong side of this issue. Imagine an alternate Prohibition where Al Capone is in charge of the State of Illinois and refuses to back down... and mealy-mouthed pols said the same thing you are saying. Would he have ever gone away? Would the people refusing to take action against him not be covertly on his side... quite possibly on the take to do so?
I disagree that the military should have no role in deporting illegal immigrants. And my concern is about drug trafficking operations, especially on our southern border. I have a family member with first hand experience with the violence brought to bear on our CBP and BP agents, charged with stopping the transport of illegal drugs into this country. The cartels operate their own armies, carrying sophisticated weapons, and are quite willing to use them against our brave agents. Deployment of trained military personnel to support these operations is appropriate since these HSI agents are fighting a foreign power to protect our country, within USA waters and on American soil. Two of the past administrations (Democrats) refused to be serious about these problems, including decisions made by the recently removed Coast Guard management.
My two cents...