Ron Paul Understood the Dangers of Neocon Warmongers
Rand Paul understands the broken window fallacy of wartime profits
Empires rise and fall like seasons come and go–just slower. It’s the nature of things. What happens when a government attempts to subvert nature and rather than building up their nation, they try to destroy it? Unless the U.S. changes course, we may be about to find out.
WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. - Smedley Butler
Ron Paul Pragmatics
Ron Paul can boil down complex economic issues into language everyone can understand. Take, for example, his statement in an interview with Anderson Cooper.
“I think the issue of war is so important in principle because it’s such a deadly issue, but it’s also a major economic issue,” Paul told Cooper. “I look at it carefully because all great nations usually go down when they spread themselves too far around the world.”
Paul’s interview on CNN took place in 2011. Now, over a decade later, his words appear prophetic.
“They go into an empire, and then they can't afford it,” Paul continued, “no matter how well-intentioned it is.”
Sound familiar?
“And I know those who disagree with me are well-intentioned and think this is very necessary,” Paul said. “But, financially, it's very, very risky. And, of course, I pointed out, politically, it's a lot easier cutting this overseas spending than it is to go after child health care. And I think that makes an important point, too.”
An important point indeed. As of November, the U.S. government is dealing with a “cumulative deficit of $1.9 trillion so far in FY2024 ($302 billion more than the same period in the prior fiscal year when adjusted for timing shifts).”
In 2024, Biden’s Budget Request for the State Department and the United States Agency for International Development was $63.1 billion. That money was to be spent on “foreign assistance diplomatic engagement.”
Add to that about $64 billion handed over to Ukraine, one of the most corrupt countries in Europe, since their war with Russia–a conflict instigated by the West–in 2022.
The U.S. is sending in a lot of money it doesn't have to foreign nations. Could it be that the Left is trying to overextend the U.S. on the world stage to bring it down? Why would the Left prompt the suicide of America? Ask a Globalist.
Americans Are Not Globalists
Americans have rejected globalization in the past decade. “While many economists continue to insist that globalization—and trade with China especially—has benefited the United States, the American people do not agree.”
Globalists don't like that, and there are a lot of Globalists in the U.S. government.
In 2020, Trump gave a speech at a Whirlpool plant in which he said, “I warned that our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization—moving our jobs, our wealth, and our factories overseas.”
“I’m not liking globalists too much,” Trump continued, “but they don’t like me too much either. Globalization has made the financial elites, who donate to politicians, very wealthy, but it’s left millions and millions of our workers with nothing but poverty and heartache, and our towns and cities with empty factories and plants.”
The American people heard Trump then and heard him even clearer in 2024.
A large part of Trump’s appeal was his MAGA approach, which puts America first, not the Globalists.
The Globalists don’t like that. They are legion. They live in the swamp we call Washington D.C. What to do?
Breaking The Bank
Lawmakers in Washington tried to pass a continuing resolution omnibus bill to avert a government shutdown before Christmas. The bill would have raised deficit spending by over $300 billion–including a raise for the lawmakers who spawned it.
Rep. Chip Roy of Texas pointed out that in less than two months after the election lawmakers wanted to add $330 billion in deficit spending. “We’re profoundly unserious on spending,” Roy said.
Do the lawmakers have a death wish or are they high off of a Globalist cocktail of dystopian dreams?
In a world where everything is upside down, it's not beyond the pale to think that maybe, just maybe, the Globalists inside the U.S. government–along with the corporate bigwigs and foreign powers who fund them–might be trying to bring down America by breaking the bank.
Or maybe they're just stupid.
Whatever the case, it didn't take long for the Republican side of the equation to back off the omnibus bill. Elon Musk posted a warning on X, “Any member of the House or Senate who votes for this outrageous spending bill should be voted out in 2 years.”
Trump agreed on Truth Social, "If Republicans try to pass a clean Continuing Resolution without all of the Democrat 'bells and whistles' that will be so destructive to our Country, all it will do, after January 20th, is bring the mess of the Debt Limit into the Trump Administration, rather than allowing it to take place in the Biden Administration. Any Republican that would be so stupid as to do this should, and will, be Primaried. Everything should be done, and fully negotiated, prior to my taking Office on January 20th, 2025."
Primaries cost a lot of money and time. The warning is real. America is sick of Globalist bull, and the line has been drawn.
It looks like MAGA vs the Globalist is on. Come January 20, the game will be played on MAGA’s turf. That’s an advantage, but it doesn’t guarantee a win–not even close.
If America is to avoid the same fate as Rome–which fell due to internal corruption combined with overextension–we’d better start looking after our own first. A strong America makes for an excellent ally in a time of need.
A weak America is ripe for Globalist picking. Ron Paul is a wise man. Who will listen?
Of course Ron Paul is right. We have a national debt approaching $37 trillion and rising. America has spread itself too thin in part because of Neocon warmongers, bureaucrats (some of which are chicken hawks) willing to send billions of dollars to countries all around the world to start or continue wars while doing nothing to secure our borders from illegal immigration/migration, terrorist incursions.
Trump needs Ron Paul as an advisor. Praying for it to happen.