No one should be here unvetted. Period. You wouldn’t let a stranger come into your home to stay, eat your food, use your phone, etc. Stopping people at the border is no different.

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My wife and son are LEGAL immigrants, 1986, to the US. They both have to go through an inane, arcane and not inexpensive update process every time their immigration ID is set to expire.

We have had somewhere between 10-20 million plus illegal alien invaders under the Biden regime. Instead of them paying a dime, it's the reverse, it's all been on the US taxpayer.

I don't care if they 'dream' or not for a better life and think that is in the US. They broke the law upon entry. Deport them, families, singles, don't really care. Send them back to their country of origin. If country of origin can't be determined, drop them off in Mexico, their last place of residence before illegally entering the US.

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I've been saying for years to dump the income tax, go to a Fair Tax (consumption tax paid at point of sale) and then move those displaced IRS employees over to Immigration to address the backlog of immigration applications. I once had to employ foreign workers and got legal papers for all of them, H1b visas and it was a nightmare. Fix the system, catch up on old applications. Offer a 60-90 day signup period for illegals who have been here a certain length of time---say 10 years or more and once registered, printed and retina scanned give them temporary work visas (not permanent ones like Bush wanted to do) while they are being investigated. If they have been working and not breaking the las give them work visas good for ten years, renewable once, and then they either have to apply for permanent residency or go back home. Everyone else gets deported.

Reinstate the old Bracero system, where seasonal workers can come and go so they have the security of seasonal work without having to worry about crossing the border and their wives and children can remain at home because they know the men will be able to legally return.

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It doesn’t matter if they are all criminals. You cannot just INVADE a country and expect to be welcomed.

They broke this law why not other laws?

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Democrats have "creative interpretation" of our laws.

Democrats are also very "pro-choice" on which laws they don't have to follow.

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It is way past due. Now that we know the UN used our money to fund this evasion we should immediately withdraw from the UN.

It is corrupt.

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Just another reason to get out of the UN.

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Oops. Invasion

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We should withdraw, send them the bill and send them packing outta here for good!

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It couldn’t happen fast enough.

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We cannot afford them. They broke the law. Send them back . Stop all immigration until reasonable laws are passed. We have vets living on the street. When we can meet the obligations to them, care for our elderly and get crime under control we can worry about the rest of the world's needs.

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Why wait? Start rounding them up today, like now, get started!

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It’s about time.

It’s an insult to those that have immigrated and followed the laws to become a legal citizen.

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Yes!! Do it and Newdumb too!

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What has the federal government ever done for you?

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For one thing, Miechelle, the federal government compels our perpetual debt service to the Federal Reserve. But that'actually what it does to us, rather than for us.

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No person should be illegal in the Country ! Any workers from other countries should be on working visa for a limited time . They should have an option to file for extension. Even permanent residency if cleared by the system as having clear records of criminal activity. They should be paying taxes from day one . Pay fir Healthcare etc.

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Please cal out Governor Pritzker for his plan for helping continue illegal immigration and making Illinois a sanctuary state and helping them become untraceable with name changes.

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I support Trump's deportation plan. Remove the incentives for illegal entry, too. Come through legally or don't come here.

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We all like to pontificate on the matter. Truth be told all we know for sure is that terrorist and criminals ie. rapist murderers drug dealing and cartel related people will be deported as they should be. After that let’s just all see what actions are brought to bear. Make judgements after that

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How do we know that, Todd? The deep state is more entrenched than it was in 2017.

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You know Franklin this will be a fight to behold! The deep state will be fighting for their lives this time around but I think the incoming administration will give them a shellacking. Will they all be gone? They’ll never completely be gone but they’ll be able to be controlled if Trump and his admin succeed

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They were fighting for their lives when they rigged the 2020 election. They were fighting for their lives when they set up the Star Chamber "impeachment" hearings. They were fighting for their lives when they employed lawfare and got their political whores to prosecute Trump. They have been fighting for their lives ever since they realized that Trump was going to dismantle their carefully constructed de facto fourth branch of government by gutting federal agencies, moving them out of the Beltway and corridor of corruption and cutting off their access to power. They have been fighting for their lives since they co-opted federal agencies like the FBI and CIA to commit perjury and fraud upon the FISA Court to falsely accuse Trump of "collusion" with Russia. They have been fighting for their lives since they started their reign of terror focused on Trump associates to scare them or punish them but in one way or another to deprive him of their support. So let them continue to fight for their lives, but this time they know that most of the country backs him and their own side is increasingly impotent and isolated.

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We must do what right for all American citizens!

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Businesses say they need the help?

Why don’t they sponsor workers and get them legal with work visas. I thought that was how it was supposed to work. Businesses want to exploit them with subpar wages, no taxes , health benefits or SS but want the taxpayer to front that. If Congress ever got off their asses and passed E-verify that would stop hiring illegals and the exploitation

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E-Verify is already in place. Most companies just won't use it. It just needs to be enforced.

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Why do we have laws that government only seems to enforce on us little people.Only a few states enforce it. Again Congress needs to get off their asses cut off federal largesse to any state that does not enforce it!

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Yes, they should, but they never will. They are all grifters. They all get rich off the lobbyists.

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