Putin is not a despot. The RF in virtually every way is a more civilized nation than the gangster clownshow pornographic sewer the USA has become. With its now 2-tier legal system & dysfunctional federal bureaucracies numbering now in excess of 400 such agencies the US is failing fast. And now the Democrats are hinting at the insurrection, false flag attacks, lethal riots & orchestrated mayhem to come, all to prevent a smooth lawful civilized transfer of government. No one is particularly surprised.

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Joe Biden is a vindictive, nasty old man. The worst POTUS in history.

Poking the Russian Bear, IMO, was likely an orchestrated effort by Neocons, Zelensky, and the Military Industrial Complex. All who wanted to use the weapons of war in real time. Hiding behind a thin veiled agenda of safety for the free world. Peace through strength was kicked to the curb for "We want to blow them up & POTUS says it's ok"!

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Why are we always in some type of war-like state and/or funding a war-like state? The US has nearly 5 thousand military sites/bases worldwide and if we are not actively fighting, we are funding someone’s war or dismantling another country’s sovereignty – i.e., Obama disarming Ukraine in 2005, then drawing the NATO line in the sand, making them a target for Putin.

Robert Yates, a founder too many Americans don’t know about, warned about having standing armies because of history’s many, many previous mistakes: “In despotic governments, as well as in all the monarchies of Europe, standing armies are kept up to execute the commands of the prince or the magistrate, and are employed for this purpose when occasion requires: But they have always proved the destruction of liberty, and [are] abhorrent to the spirit of a free republic.”

In Brutus X, Robert Yates gives us a history lesson about how standing armies will create the military industrial complex: “The liberties of a people are in danger from a large standing army, not only because the rulers may employ them for the purposes of supporting themselves in any usurpations of power, which they may see proper to exercise, but there is great hazard, that an army will subvert the forms of the government, under whose authority, they are raised, and establish one, according to the pleasure of their leader."

Want to learn more about Robert Yates? https://lizlasorte.substack.com/p/name-that-anti-federalist?r=76q58

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1. People have been conditioned to fear the next bogeyman right around the corner so that they won't push back or question military actions until we're knee deep. I can still recall the late 1970s and early 1980s when anything red could provoke the banshee screams of those convinced that Alex's hot Russian mom was certainly hiding a sidewinder missile somewhere in her leopard-print hot pants.

2. Military contractors make a shitload of money off war, and long ago, most in that industry, especially those in charge, told themselves lies like "better we do it now or the casualties will be worse" without worrying about bothersome details like the fact that every one of their scenarios included war with no version with peace as a baseline. It's pretty easy to trade lives for money when you convince yourself of your moral superiority. Doubly so if you're a serial killer or a depopulationist.

3. Some people (mostly dudes with tiny cocks and women named Nikky) love war. They could literally spank to a world record explosion to photos of blown-up bodies.

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"The chances are growing that the United States will eventually alienate much of the world." Its already happened !

As someone born behind the Iron Curtain, I applauded President Ronald Reagan's famous speech calling the Soviet Union the Evil Empire, but based on the events of the long period since then, I believe (along with the majority of the planet's inhabitants) that President Reagan was wrong! I would rather compare it to the cruel captain of one pirate ship shouting at the crew of another competing pirate ship!

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Putin was deliberating joining NATO at a point but President Bush nixed that immediately. I keep hearing how they tell us that he’s a very bad guy because he’s a killer. Excuse me but how can the US dare to say that when the United States has killed more people in our name than any other country if you ask me. Our government has instituted more wars and regime changes in countries around the world for years. If people only knew how bad our government has been they wouldn’t believe it. Now we have Putin aligned with China and N Korea and that’s not where we really want to be. Hopefully Trump will be able to get in there and take out the deep state and its war bating neocons.

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America did provoke Russia! I think that if WWIII starts, Hunter Biden (since he’s no longer a criminal) needs to be sent to the front lines. After all, he has military experience. They start this crap and then it’s our kids who will pay.

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Biden did not provoke anything. He can't even put his pants on. Why don't our elected tell us the truth about who is running (ruining) this country?

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Exactly 💯

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Russia’s despot? Give us all a break from the russophobia amd just deal us the facts.

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Rand paul, i need you to advocate for me, your on the right path, but i need to tell the world somethings but i cant get online anymore, I have been locked out of my account for 3 weeks and I just got back in a couple nights ago they're already starting to censor me on on Instagram again and Facebook again because I'm not going to shut up about this stuff this is really serious s***, been giving a gift and utilizing it to the best of my abilities and the thing about that is it's called clairevoyance, and I can see things the other people are completely blind to but I've been calling this very article you put up here I've been calling this for since February I've seen this stuff I know what they're doing I know what they're going to go I know what they're trying to do, and as of right now I see them winning if we don't do something quick we have to act quick . first step is we need to regain our control of our military again and we need to get the DemoNcrats out of office completely, like they are so far out past human comprehensibility because, they are not human. like in the movie Men in Black when that bug is walking around and Edgar suit, they're just convincing everybody on America that they're humans when they're not they're actually freaking reptilians that are in human suits and they're fooling us to beleive their human. 2. we need to come together and understand that they have hostilely taken over this country and they have been purposely trying to tank it since the 2020 election they didn't win that election and here we are four years later with a completely destroyed economy our soil is ruined our money is stolen they have our military equipment to be left there in Afghanistan they're going to keep that over there for them to start the war with us in there new country of origin ukraine, they stole our tax dollars if they sent to Ukraine to fight the war was not to fight the war the money was to sent over there to build their new infrastructure over there with the most corrupt country in the world is getting Ukraine, that's where all the missing children are at all the human trafficking they're all sending all that bs to ukraine, because that's where they're running all the human trafficking victims through over there in tunnels of ukraine, and he's going to ask how do I know this stuff because everybody has said if Donald Trump went to presidency they're leaving the country every person that has said that is on the D list they're all have made victims or they're victimizing people to the D program so everybody that is leaving the country because donald trump became president is the people that are on the epstien list/the diddy list/ the people that are on the diddy list they're all human traffickers they're all pedo rapos n satanic ritual abusers, they really tanked this entire economy this world everybody views USA now it's like the holy Cesspool of disgusting this with all of our evil deceitful leaders that Overlook so many bad things are doing, most of it is Cia driven most of it is all CIA driven because they assassinated anybody worth a s*** that couldve lead us into a peaceful Nationstate they've assassinated. And them starting to JFK to their missed shot at trump, its gotten to be very repulsive. 3. has history taught us anything except they always put it in our faces before they do it to us they're eliminating their Karmic ties to it. so if you look at the past a lot of these movies they made by these Hollywood movies were a lot more documentaries than they were fictional movies. with that being said I've been telling people for a while now that the bomb that Shapiro signed in Ohio they're going to use that bomb against us when they go to their Insurrection and they're planning they are planning insurection right Now they're i guarantee they are when they go to do that they plan to use that bomb they signed in Ohio w Shapiro they're going to use that against us. right as they're getting ready to go over to Ukraine and they'll fight us from over there in the new land of Ukraine they're going to take over the world and start their new world order over there now because their plans are changed, and they're going to be over here when he launches the bomb from over there so they can plead the Innocence that they didn't do nothing they were here doing what they're supposed to be doing but it's not it's all collusion it's all planned that's what narcissists do they plan attacks that are unseen and unbelievable so that way when somebody is going to complains about it the person is going to be like look at like crazy it's unbelievable nobody would do that that's why I said that, same thing with their whole gang stalking program at the underground program that's hidden under the signature reduction act everybody in that list in there is people that are targeted by the blue government for speaking our on the horrific crimes the blue has done, because their truth tellers or addicts, or just have a criminal record or mental illness, something thats against blue team agenda. I have more to tell you, can we talk ? Hmu here or email me please

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Interesting interview, but Kurt's chronic interrupting the guest was off putting.

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Not sure why you feel the need to refer to Putin as a despot when he is doing exactly what you claim to want our government to do which is to put our interest first. An America first agenda would look remarkably like the current Russian agenda. Just imagine if China or Russia pulled 10% percent of the clandestine shenanigans in the western hemisphere our deep states continuously agitates right up against their historic borders? By God we would roll in and blast away without a second thought. Plus I don't recall Congress declaring war in my lifetime (68 Years) yet let's add up the cost of blood and treasure since Vietnam? Putin has shown amazing restraint and I for one hope he takes all of Ukraine since we can't seem to stop letting the CIA run amok over there. I like you and your report but get right with what is right. Leave Russia alone and base our relationships on trade not tyranny. Everything will run a lot smoother. Thank you.

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Lucky for most of humanity that Putin isn't as stupid as most liberal "leaders" and their supporters. He realizes that we just had a presidential election. Anyone who thinks that Putin is going to blink first is wildly narcissistic, delusional, or a fucking retard.

Contractors want war, Herr Zelensky wants a dictatorship, and world leaders want to keep anyone from looking in Ukraine for all the dead bodies.

The situation is complex, but the motives and motivations are as simple as primal instincts. Most people are unwilling to even consider the simple answers, however, because that means admitting to oneself that humans truly are the worst species on earth.

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The question is who struck first. The same goes for Pearl Harbor in World War II, Hamas, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

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