The day he is arrested is the day the world WAKES up and knows the truth that we knew all along...we can start helping & healing the vaxxed who didn't believe it was a bioweapon. Get it done!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many died of covid vs. how many died of deadly hospital protocols? Remember, hospital covid protocols were isolate, sedate, intubate, and then Remdesivir for the kill for any patients still clinging to life. Murder.
That’s exactly what killed my sister, December 2021. I want Fauci charged, imprisoned, to never see the light of day again, and to spend his days isolated from any and all human contact, like he did to everyone’s family members. I also wouldn’t be upset at a class action lawsuit for the families who lost loved ones because of Remdesivir. Lock. Fauci. Up.
And I want to add this: Remember how they said hospitals were overwhelmed? Not true in my relative's case. The hospital was a ghost town. Most hallways were darkened, no one there. Eerie yellow tape set up to guide people which way they could walk. It still angers me to remember the "overwhelmed" nurses who had time to choreograph, practice, record, and post online their dance videos. Overwhelmed, my foot.
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's heartbreaking enough when it happens naturally, but when it's done with malicious intent the grief is even more crushing. They tried to do this to a relative of mine. His wife, though, already didn't trust the medical system. She told them when he got to ER there should be no vent, no remdesivir, etc. The doc said, "Don't you want us to save his life?"
She said, "Of course, I want you to save his life! But those things will not save him. They'll hasten his demise."
They wouldn't let his daughter who lived in the same town come in to see him. They cited covid rules as the reason. They almost wouldn't let his wife in.
They tested him for covid. It came back negative. But the nurse informed her they had decided to act as if he did have covid and she couldn't go into his room. She said, "Oh, I'm going in there." She pushed past the nurse and went into his room. Then she sat there waiting for the police to come. But, they never did. The hospital backed down.
When the doctors and nurses weren't looking, she had him spray the back of his throat with hydrogen peroxide, gave him zinc and vitamin D. His adult children, who live in different states, had a telephone prayer session for him.
Turns out he had pneumonia and sepsis. This all took place on a Saturday night. On Monday, his regular doctor came to the hospital and told him she'd never seen anyone recover so quickly from sepsis and released him to go home. I firmly believe he wouldn't have survived if his wife hadn't refused to fall for their BS. Many patients were not as lucky because the hospitals and doctors in their cases didn't back down. The ghouls were willing to go all the way to legal action to kill their patients.
I can't describe the loathing I have for Fauci, the hospitals, doctors, and nurses who went along with this genocide.
I’m so sorry for you and your family in the loss of sister and daughter. For the world to have such a loss of your sister’s beautiful life and all she would have done to show others love and encouragement. All her loves and strengths the world in her area are now missing. It’s not right that this man destroyed families and our future with so many lovely souls. There’s no revenge that you or I or governments of the world can dish out to gain back these loss of so many souls. I pray we can all find comfort and peace in Jesus as these wicked people that gained $$$ but killed so many! So many are guilty! The LORD saw it all. He holds our revenge as our HOLY REVENGER ! That’s where I’m finding peace (sweet moments!). Yes, join every class action suits we can. Do what God has called you to do. But also live a good life anyway. Enjoy our family and live to the fullest! Love God and your family til the end of time on earth. Love and care for your people. I pray real joy and Godly peace for each person that is suffering because of COVID lies and vaccine damaged and deaths.
So sorry for your loss! As a Covid-19 Omicron survivor ( 41 days), I feel the pain, yet as I am a Born-Again-Believer, GOD Did spare my life, so yes, I believe Dr. Fauci, should face the law’s Wrath & punishment due him. However, I must let GOD judge the people who wronged others (if our laws on Earth don’t punish wrongdoers, we can rest assured GOD will in the future judgement do if sinnerstill UN-repentant until death): “Hebrews 10:30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.”
Same way, they forced a ventilator on her, she kept pulling it out bcuz it was pounding her chest she said in a text to her husband. She told him if he didn't come and get her she'd be dead by morning. Jed fallen into a deep sleep thinking she was in good hands. She was gone by that morning. Jan 2022.
Her insurance dictated what doctor she could see. He wasn't helping and her sinus infection got really bad ( apparently they aren't allowed to give you what you took that worked...Anyway she went to a TX hospital, she told them NO to a Ventilator or Remdisiver. People were dying after that protocol and she knew it bcuz in my Ohio city they were also dying like 12 In a month, after given Remdisiver. Anyway they gave her a hard time. But admitted her. Her husband wasn't allowed to be with her. He was assured she would be taken well care of, so he went home , and bcuz he isn't in good health, fell asleep. In the middle of the night, she text him to come and get her or shed ne dead in the morning, he didn't hear the text. She was gone by morning and before he got to her. Jer text said the ventilator was pounding her chest, they put a nurse in her room to keep it on her...Does this sound like a person who was that sick? She was sick, but she wouldn't have died if they'd given her a treatment of antibiotics, steroids and Ivermectin.
That's absolutely horrifying! God bless your sister; she didn't go down without a fight. But what chance does an ill person have against a staff of authoritarians? What kind of sadists did they put in the room with her anyway? It's just pure evil.
I'm not sure what kind of antibiotic they gave my relative. I'm sure whatever it was helped a lot. But I think if his wife hadn't been super vigilant, they would have pushed those deadly protocols on him. At the time he was in the hospital, Ivermectin was considered a dirty word and even the mention of it would get doctors angry. What the medical establishment did during that time was murder, nothing less.
I’m unjabbed, was canceled by sadly deluded friends, and was a campaign activist working hard on behalf of pro-life, anti-mandate candidates to political office.
Some are beginning to see the light (which I saw from the beginning). I count on this movie (among other efforts) to rip off the blinders from many more eyes.
I am very grateful to Dr. Paul for his efforts as I was long grateful to his father for HIS efforts on behalf of all of us.
You are lucky to be canceled by your jabbed friends. Because of possible shedding...
America’s Frontline Doctors warn that the “spike proteins” being manufactured in the cells of the vaccinated will inevitably “shed” from their body, transmitting to the environment and attaching to the cells of close contacts.
THANK YOU for your unrelenting focused leadership. Our family is NOT the silent majority, so you deserve to hear from us! Our Grandson was vaccine injured twice as a baby, and we support you in your truth-telling endeavors. Faucci, go straight to JHELL!
As a practicing physician and clinical medical researcher, it is not enough to point out Fauci's atrocities. Liars and fraudsters must be tried, convicted and placed behind bars! Only when this takes place along with the change of the administration will justice be served and the health of the nation restored. Be aware of the following, the grants sent out by the NIAID, NIH and CDC went to Fauci's cronies. Along with Fauci, they too should be investigated and made to answer for their complicity in the COVID fiasco.
I hope that Fauci can be brought up on charges and then tried. I think that there is enough evidence of his culpability from numerous angles.
As soon as Trump and Team are in office, I'd like to see Fauci's tax-payer funded security detail immediately rescinded.
I'd like to see his 'pension' put on hold until after his investigation. I'd like to see any so called 'royalty' payments from Pharma to Fauci (and associates), put on hold, or put in escrow, pending a very public investigation.
In short, I'd like to see this little shitweasel dragged over every legal filing that can be applied, and also stripped of any US Govt pension and forfeit any royalties or kickbacks coming from Pharma or elsewhere.
Fauci did not work alone! Covid was masterminded by Gates, Schwab, Soros billionaire globalist club better known as the WEF. Everyone of those people and their counterparts should be jailed and sentenced for life or the death penalty. But never fear, God's judgment will be 1,000% worse.
Fauci is a career criminal who has dealt in self-aggrandizing nefarious behavior leading to deaths for profit for half a century. He is protected by powerful people who have profited from his evil machinations. Others have made a profitable career exposing him and yet he smugly and arrogantly sits before a feckless congress lacking in any enforcement arm to prosecute him. Tell me this is something different than a “tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
Fauci published in 2005 that the only thing that could kill coronavirus was Hydroxicloriquine. I have a copy of this in my files. Later when Trump started using hydroxicloriquine…. Fauci proclaimed against it and it was removed from all pharmacies for the duration of COVID to protect profits on the new ‘vaccines’ in which he held interests. I’ve proclaimed since 2020 that Fauci is a snake in the grass… and he is truly that!
Fauci had been killing people for years! If you think this is hyperbole look up what Fauci did to the gay community with AZT in the 80’s. Look up what Fauci and his buddy gates did in third world countries with toxic vaccines using these poor people as Guinea pigs. He’s the American doctor Mengele and should be imprisoned for what he’s done for the rest of his miserable life.
Wonderful and thank you. I cannot tell you how many of my Centrist and Lefty friends accused me of being a seditionist insane and dangerous to society because I knew the truth about covid early on and they considered me a threat to society! I bet each of them $1 that I was right and they were wrong. Time to collect
The day he is arrested is the day the world WAKES up and knows the truth that we knew all along...we can start helping & healing the vaxxed who didn't believe it was a bioweapon. Get it done!!!!!!!!!!!!
This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure,
and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.
How many died of covid vs. how many died of deadly hospital protocols? Remember, hospital covid protocols were isolate, sedate, intubate, and then Remdesivir for the kill for any patients still clinging to life. Murder.
That’s exactly what killed my sister, December 2021. I want Fauci charged, imprisoned, to never see the light of day again, and to spend his days isolated from any and all human contact, like he did to everyone’s family members. I also wouldn’t be upset at a class action lawsuit for the families who lost loved ones because of Remdesivir. Lock. Fauci. Up.
And I want to add this: Remember how they said hospitals were overwhelmed? Not true in my relative's case. The hospital was a ghost town. Most hallways were darkened, no one there. Eerie yellow tape set up to guide people which way they could walk. It still angers me to remember the "overwhelmed" nurses who had time to choreograph, practice, record, and post online their dance videos. Overwhelmed, my foot.
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's heartbreaking enough when it happens naturally, but when it's done with malicious intent the grief is even more crushing. They tried to do this to a relative of mine. His wife, though, already didn't trust the medical system. She told them when he got to ER there should be no vent, no remdesivir, etc. The doc said, "Don't you want us to save his life?"
She said, "Of course, I want you to save his life! But those things will not save him. They'll hasten his demise."
They wouldn't let his daughter who lived in the same town come in to see him. They cited covid rules as the reason. They almost wouldn't let his wife in.
They tested him for covid. It came back negative. But the nurse informed her they had decided to act as if he did have covid and she couldn't go into his room. She said, "Oh, I'm going in there." She pushed past the nurse and went into his room. Then she sat there waiting for the police to come. But, they never did. The hospital backed down.
When the doctors and nurses weren't looking, she had him spray the back of his throat with hydrogen peroxide, gave him zinc and vitamin D. His adult children, who live in different states, had a telephone prayer session for him.
Turns out he had pneumonia and sepsis. This all took place on a Saturday night. On Monday, his regular doctor came to the hospital and told him she'd never seen anyone recover so quickly from sepsis and released him to go home. I firmly believe he wouldn't have survived if his wife hadn't refused to fall for their BS. Many patients were not as lucky because the hospitals and doctors in their cases didn't back down. The ghouls were willing to go all the way to legal action to kill their patients.
I can't describe the loathing I have for Fauci, the hospitals, doctors, and nurses who went along with this genocide.
Mine died in a TX hospital in Jan 2022.
I’m so sorry for you and your family in the loss of sister and daughter. For the world to have such a loss of your sister’s beautiful life and all she would have done to show others love and encouragement. All her loves and strengths the world in her area are now missing. It’s not right that this man destroyed families and our future with so many lovely souls. There’s no revenge that you or I or governments of the world can dish out to gain back these loss of so many souls. I pray we can all find comfort and peace in Jesus as these wicked people that gained $$$ but killed so many! So many are guilty! The LORD saw it all. He holds our revenge as our HOLY REVENGER ! That’s where I’m finding peace (sweet moments!). Yes, join every class action suits we can. Do what God has called you to do. But also live a good life anyway. Enjoy our family and live to the fullest! Love God and your family til the end of time on earth. Love and care for your people. I pray real joy and Godly peace for each person that is suffering because of COVID lies and vaccine damaged and deaths.
So sorry for your loss! As a Covid-19 Omicron survivor ( 41 days), I feel the pain, yet as I am a Born-Again-Believer, GOD Did spare my life, so yes, I believe Dr. Fauci, should face the law’s Wrath & punishment due him. However, I must let GOD judge the people who wronged others (if our laws on Earth don’t punish wrongdoers, we can rest assured GOD will in the future judgement do if sinnerstill UN-repentant until death): “Hebrews 10:30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.”
Same way, they forced a ventilator on her, she kept pulling it out bcuz it was pounding her chest she said in a text to her husband. She told him if he didn't come and get her she'd be dead by morning. Jed fallen into a deep sleep thinking she was in good hands. She was gone by that morning. Jan 2022.
This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure,
and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.
My sister would get a bad sinus infection
Her insurance dictated what doctor she could see. He wasn't helping and her sinus infection got really bad ( apparently they aren't allowed to give you what you took that worked...Anyway she went to a TX hospital, she told them NO to a Ventilator or Remdisiver. People were dying after that protocol and she knew it bcuz in my Ohio city they were also dying like 12 In a month, after given Remdisiver. Anyway they gave her a hard time. But admitted her. Her husband wasn't allowed to be with her. He was assured she would be taken well care of, so he went home , and bcuz he isn't in good health, fell asleep. In the middle of the night, she text him to come and get her or shed ne dead in the morning, he didn't hear the text. She was gone by morning and before he got to her. Jer text said the ventilator was pounding her chest, they put a nurse in her room to keep it on her...Does this sound like a person who was that sick? She was sick, but she wouldn't have died if they'd given her a treatment of antibiotics, steroids and Ivermectin.
That's absolutely horrifying! God bless your sister; she didn't go down without a fight. But what chance does an ill person have against a staff of authoritarians? What kind of sadists did they put in the room with her anyway? It's just pure evil.
I'm not sure what kind of antibiotic they gave my relative. I'm sure whatever it was helped a lot. But I think if his wife hadn't been super vigilant, they would have pushed those deadly protocols on him. At the time he was in the hospital, Ivermectin was considered a dirty word and even the mention of it would get doctors angry. What the medical establishment did during that time was murder, nothing less.
Agree. I think they pumped touch oxygen into her lungs.
I’m unjabbed, was canceled by sadly deluded friends, and was a campaign activist working hard on behalf of pro-life, anti-mandate candidates to political office.
Some are beginning to see the light (which I saw from the beginning). I count on this movie (among other efforts) to rip off the blinders from many more eyes.
I am very grateful to Dr. Paul for his efforts as I was long grateful to his father for HIS efforts on behalf of all of us.
Thank you, Dr. Paul!
You are lucky to be canceled by your jabbed friends. Because of possible shedding...
America’s Frontline Doctors warn that the “spike proteins” being manufactured in the cells of the vaccinated will inevitably “shed” from their body, transmitting to the environment and attaching to the cells of close contacts.
We march beside you, Rand Paul🇺🇸👍🏻
THANK YOU for your unrelenting focused leadership. Our family is NOT the silent majority, so you deserve to hear from us! Our Grandson was vaccine injured twice as a baby, and we support you in your truth-telling endeavors. Faucci, go straight to JHELL!
Proud Mississippi Grandparents
As a practicing physician and clinical medical researcher, it is not enough to point out Fauci's atrocities. Liars and fraudsters must be tried, convicted and placed behind bars! Only when this takes place along with the change of the administration will justice be served and the health of the nation restored. Be aware of the following, the grants sent out by the NIAID, NIH and CDC went to Fauci's cronies. Along with Fauci, they too should be investigated and made to answer for their complicity in the COVID fiasco.
This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure,
and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.
I hope that Fauci can be brought up on charges and then tried. I think that there is enough evidence of his culpability from numerous angles.
As soon as Trump and Team are in office, I'd like to see Fauci's tax-payer funded security detail immediately rescinded.
I'd like to see his 'pension' put on hold until after his investigation. I'd like to see any so called 'royalty' payments from Pharma to Fauci (and associates), put on hold, or put in escrow, pending a very public investigation.
In short, I'd like to see this little shitweasel dragged over every legal filing that can be applied, and also stripped of any US Govt pension and forfeit any royalties or kickbacks coming from Pharma or elsewhere.
Fauci did not work alone! Covid was masterminded by Gates, Schwab, Soros billionaire globalist club better known as the WEF. Everyone of those people and their counterparts should be jailed and sentenced for life or the death penalty. But never fear, God's judgment will be 1,000% worse.
Let's not forget that Fauci has had taxpayer funded protection at the tune of 15 million a year, for the last 2 years. He owes us that money back!
Fauci is a career criminal who has dealt in self-aggrandizing nefarious behavior leading to deaths for profit for half a century. He is protected by powerful people who have profited from his evil machinations. Others have made a profitable career exposing him and yet he smugly and arrogantly sits before a feckless congress lacking in any enforcement arm to prosecute him. Tell me this is something different than a “tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
We the people deserve justice
Fauci published in 2005 that the only thing that could kill coronavirus was Hydroxicloriquine. I have a copy of this in my files. Later when Trump started using hydroxicloriquine…. Fauci proclaimed against it and it was removed from all pharmacies for the duration of COVID to protect profits on the new ‘vaccines’ in which he held interests. I’ve proclaimed since 2020 that Fauci is a snake in the grass… and he is truly that!
Tou should put this info on “X.”
I did put in X
This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure,
and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.
You need to Post those files. Everybody should see them!
Think about what these people did to "WE THE PEOPLE'S"
This should be informed at childbirth as well
This peer reviewed article explains two core physician competencies required for licensure,
and the recent widespread failure of physicians to provide safe medical care for the communities which they serve.
And the profits just keep on flowing ....
Fauci had been killing people for years! If you think this is hyperbole look up what Fauci did to the gay community with AZT in the 80’s. Look up what Fauci and his buddy gates did in third world countries with toxic vaccines using these poor people as Guinea pigs. He’s the American doctor Mengele and should be imprisoned for what he’s done for the rest of his miserable life.
Wonderful and thank you. I cannot tell you how many of my Centrist and Lefty friends accused me of being a seditionist insane and dangerous to society because I knew the truth about covid early on and they considered me a threat to society! I bet each of them $1 that I was right and they were wrong. Time to collect
I’ve often said that it takes more than a few capital letters past someone’s name to gain my respect and trust. Fauci is one reason for that.
I absolutely despise that little arrogant weasel!