
FDA Dragon Slayer: Rand Paul SAVED Lives

EP14: Kurt Wallace interviews Jonathan Emord and Robert Verkirk to discuss the Alliance of Natural Health Lawsuits against the FDA, RFK's agenda, and Rand Paul's influence on health freedom.

One of the nation’s top constitutional lawyers, Jonathan Emord “FDA Dragon Slayer” and Robert Verkerk, executive director of the Alliance for Natural Health recently joined the Kurt Wallace Show on Rand Paul Review.

They delved into several important topics including lawsuits filed against the FDA, Rand Paul’s take on healthcare liberty, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s plans to Make America Healthy Again (MAHA).

Powering the Push for Better Health Outcomes

To say Americans are unhealthy would be an understatement. Americans have never been fatter, less active or more dependent on Big Pharma medications. ANH representatives, Jonathan Emord and Robert Verkerk are actively pursuing legal actions against the leviathan to coincide with incoming HHS secretary RFK Jr.’s call for widespread health industry reform.

The “Compassionate Freedom of Choice Act” (H.R. 6342) that Emord wrote on behalf of Ron Paul called for easier access to terminal drugs without going through FDA. The law was originally introduced by Ron Paul then passed on to Rand Paul after failing to pass into legislation.

Access to Medical Treatment Act

Sen. Paul’s modification of the legislation inserted language guaranteeing Americans ability to bypass the FDA. The sidestepping of the FDA would ensure the agency could not stand in patients’ way when attempting to access drugs designed for the terminally ill.

Though most Americans don’t know it, access to drugs when dying of terminal illness is partially blocked in the United States. Emord has aligned with Paul to ensure access to experimental drugs to terminal individuals.

The ANH is Writing Policy to Improve Americans’ Lives

The Alliance for Natural Health is pushing to broaden the language with legislation, guaranteeing treatment can be provided to those willing to try experimental drugs still being researched and perfected. The overarching theme of the discussion was getting government out of the way to better the human condition.

Verkerk noted that 85% of the diseases plaguing Americans are preventable. The hope is that RFK Jr’s leadership will vastly improve the quality of the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe.

“We need a [new] system that is disruptive. The existing system is heading 100 miles per hour toward a brick wall.” – Verkerk

The Trump administration will push for the development of policies that open up new lines of communication, triggering a shift away from the current “pay to play” setup. However, as Verkerk noted, there is a well-organized effort to block RFK Jr.’s confirmation.

The FDA is Standing in the Way of Progress

Emord points out the FDA’s prior restraint on the communication of health information constitutes an egregious violation of the First Amendment. The FDA is required to mandate drug industry licenses, governing the businesses that make the foods and other dietary substances Americans consume.

In short, statements regarding the effect of marketplace nutrients on disease cannot be made unless approved by the FDA. The end result of the FDA’s shortsightedness is a blocking of hundreds of thousands of solutions fully backed by scientific evidence yet not allowed on the marketplace.

The ANH is supporting Kennedy to take on the FDA, end censorship, and create health information communication transparency through legal action. The burden of proof is on the federal government to prove supposed false statements about products based on the language of fraud law.

At the moment, there is an administrative roadblock preventing substances from reaching the market. A petition has been filed to unleash 350 federal government statements linking specific nutrients to disease risk reduction.

During the podcast they discuss the controversial folic acid neural defect claim. The FDA prevented the use of folic acid when 800 micrograms of the substance used in dietary supplements had the potential to significantly decrease the risk of spinal defects.

The end result was NTD-related spinal injuries and even some abortions.

The Feds Want You Dependent on Big Pharma

The conversation then shifted to the federal government standing in the way of alternative drug combinations to prevent Alzheimer's Disease. It appears that three high-dose vitamin B supplements can decrease the risk of the disease when taken in combination with Omega-3. Yet Big Pharma Alzheimer's drugs are still on the market even though they are ineffective.

“The drug industry has captured the agency without question. The protectionist regime is robbing us of health substances in the food supply far safer than drugs. It is better to rely on calcium and micronutrients such as boron to ensure bone health and stave off effects of osteoporosis. Yet government has approved phosphorate drugs, putting women on them at young ages relatively speaking, causing bones to become brittle, creating higher likelihood of breakage – bones have mineralization on exterior, increasing the risk of fracture.” – Emord

The FDA has become a pathetic lapdog for Big Pharma’s largest players. The barrier to market entry is too costly and significant to surmount. As a result, innovation has been stifled.

The hope is that RFK Jr. will end such protectionism, implementing government transparency while bolstering freedom of choice. As Emord noted, the bureaucracy affects three-quarters of all dollars spent in the United States.

Rand Paul to the Rescue

Emord described the country’s flawed drug approval process as irreparably broken. The Right To Try Act, written by Rand Paul, was meant to address people in pain.

“There are many thousands of people across the United States who would have died an unfortunate death who are alive today because of Rand Paul's bill.” - Emord

The bill’s language is tailored to the needs of the terminally ill in need of experimental drugs recommended by physicians. Emord pitched in, writing the Access to Medical Treatment Act to help prevent horrific outcomes for the terminally ill.

As an example, the use of experimental medication could prevent the growth of brain tumors. Such experimental treatment would easily slow, reverse, or cure diseases ravaging the body.

Fauci and COVID-19 are Still Hot Topics

The trio discussed the efficacy of Ivermectin, once demonized during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ivermectin treats the virus and even cancer. However, the medical establishment including Dr. Anthony Fauci, has limited access to the treatment.

“Rand Paul is like a dog on a bone when it comes to Fauci. There might be criminal prosecution in his future. He colluded with an enemy of the USA - the communist Chinese, to make a bioweapon that came out of a Wuhan lab that is one of the institutes of virology in China that had an association with biologists for decades to use a bioweapon. We developed a horror with our dollars to develop this weapon.” – Emord

The disturbing truth is that Fauci made millions of dollars from Big Pharma. Precious few in the beltway but for freedom fighters like Rand Paul have exposed Fauci.

Paul valiantly called out Fauci’s gain-of-function research. The money paid to Fauci through the middleman that is the federal government should not only be cut off but repaid.

“It was the greatest betrayal in the history of our country. Benedit Arnold is nothing compared to Anthony Fauci.” – Emord

The bottom line is the COVID-19 vaccinations did not work. The federal government and Fauci lied, insisting Big Pharma’s jabs prevented the virus from infiltrating the body. In reality, the shot did not do any such thing; nor did it prevent the transmission of the virus.

Verkerk has written 300+ reports on Big Pharma vaccines. He noted how there has been a lack of studies as well as provable facts.

“Fundamentally, if you recall with genetically modified organisms, I’ve been for 25 years debating this as a scientist I was with many years the Imperial College of London I wrote release of GMO publications contesting the notion that the outdoor release of GMO, possibility that the novel genetic information could be put into another organism.” - Verkerk

Members of Congress touted Big Pharma’s mRNA yet the promises fell flat considering the negative health outcomes that occurred during and after the pandemic.

The industry’s much-hyped mRNA technology contains instructions that turn the human body into a drug factory. The body makes a protein that then generates a protein similar to that developed in the Wuhan lab where COVID-19 emanated from.

Verkerk went on to note how the mRNA jab is injected intramuscularly yet skeptics knew it would move into the bloodstream. As soon as the injection is made in the muscle, transmission begins progressing toward the capillaries, heart, and liver.

Tens of thousands of innocent people are now battling permanent disability and death following mRNA clot shot injections.

“If we don’t learn from the COVID era we’ll be in big trouble. Companies like Pfizer who have extraordinary control over political system need to be put in their place. Their science needs to be reviewed independently. Let’s hope that happens in the next 4 years.” – Verkerk

The conversation then shifted to America’s bloated bureaucracy. Excessive red tape is blocking medications from reaching the market. We have become a highly bureaucratic administrative Big Brother-esque state-centric society without constitutional oversight.

America’s Hope is RFK Jr.

RFK is now challenged with taking down America’s unconstitutional bureaucratic oligarchy. The goal is to return to a constitutional republic as envisioned by the founding fathers. Trump and RFK Jr. will work together to reduce the influence of the regulatory state, restoring the rule of constitutional law.

Sen. Paul will also play a critically important role moving forward. Paul and RFK Jr. are passionate advocates for health industry transparency.

“Remember it was Rand Paul who stood up in the midst of the whole COVID epidemic and said I am not going to get vaxxed because I already had covid and already have natural immunity. That was a staple of understanding if you contracted a disease for which a vaccine was being offered you would have immunity.” - Emord

We need more profiles in courage like Rand Paul to stand up against Big Government. Moving forward, Big Pharma jabs should not be viewed as one-size-fits-all solutions. The aim is for a more customized approach to medicine that emphasizes decentralized decision making at the local and personal levels.

Emord and Verkerk are the coauthors of the MAHA mandate that helps Americans understand what RFK is doing, who he is as a person, and his targeting by a multimillion dollar campaign designed to denigrate his reputation.

Contrary to what the mainstream media insists, RFK Jr. doesn’t want to ban all vaccines.

Rather, he wants Americans to make informed judgments.

You can learn more about RFK and the MAHA mandate at www.mahamandatebook.com.

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