
EXCLUSIVE: "Q-Anon Shaman" Calls Out The REAL Radicals & The J6 HOAX

EP10: Kurt Wallace interviews Jacob Chansley; Jan 6th, Political Prisoner, Spiritual Activist, Potential Speaker of the House.

WATCH: The J6 Artifice Falls On Its FACE

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When PSYOPs are the weapon of choice in the battle for the minds of American citizens, it becomes difficult to know who to believe. All sides in the conflict are guilty of attempting to shape reality in the people's minds. Truth is the first casualty in propaganda wars.

As counterintuitive as it might seem, the problem is primarily spiritual, as J6 Q-Anon Shaman Jacob Chansley points out in an interview with Kurt Wallace for the Rand Paul Review (see below).

When the truth is intentionally covered up by people in power, citizens grow paranoid, confused, and dejected. That’s what the liars in charge want. Doubt breeds malleability and when people are confused to the point of despair, they will accept the “truths” delivered to them by propagandists and their masters. Think of it as a psychic war.

PSYOP stands for psychological operation. It is defined as “military activities that involve trying to influence the enemy's beliefs and state of mind.” For the U.S. government–especially under the Biden administration–the enemy is patriotic Americans. The military forces fighting against them are Leftist government officials in collusion with mainstream media.

What happened at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, is ground zero for a Leftist PSYOP designed to convince mainstream Americans that Donald Trump and his MAGA base are the epitome of evil.

The poster child for the PSYOP was supposed to be Jacob Angeli Chansley–aka the Q-Anon Shaman–who entered the Capitol on J6 wearing a headdress complete with buffalo horns and coyote tails. His face was painted to resemble the American flag and he was shirtless sporting numerous tattoos.

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Chansley stuck out of the crowd as a symbol of American freedom and independence. The Leftists noticed and decided to turn him into a symbol of hardcore right-wing terrorists bent on overthrowing the U.S. government and establishing Donald Trump as a dictator.

The Left despises individuality, so they painted Chansley as a lunatic character who stepped out of a graphic novel in an attempt to destroy his individualism.

Chansley, 34 at the time, was eventually sentenced to 41 months in federal prison for his role in the J6 riots. That’s over three years of hard time for what amounted to trespassing–peacefully and patriotically–to protest what he–and millions of others nationwide–saw as a rigged 2016 presidential election.

If the sentence seems a bit harsh for a guy who volunteered to help police inside the Capitol to keep the peace, it is. That’s the point: don't mess with the Leftist overlords or else. It doesn't matter who you are. Ask Jacob Chansley or Donald Trump. Mess with the Left and they are coming to get you.

Always on the lookout for a crisis to exploit, the Left–headed up at the time by the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney, and the rest of the sycophantic cabal–elected to sacrifice a young man’s future on the Altar of Unreality and put into play a grand PSYOP that would forever crush the MAGA movement.

Too bad for them that Chansley (let alone Trump) refused to die on the altar. What did not kill him only made him stronger.

The Chansley Interview

What unfolded in Chansley’s interview with the Rand Paul Review was a tale stranger than Franz Kafka’s 1925 novel The Trial. When reality reads more absurd than Kafka, something’s about to break.

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If Chansley’s freewheeling interview is any indicator, it’s not going to be Chansley who breaks. Since being released from prison 14 months early, he has already run for Congress as a Libertarian. During the interview, he tosses his hat in the ring to become the next Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Chansley–who had nothing to do with coining the nickname of Q-Anon Shaman–freely admits to trespassing inside the Capitol on J6 and was willing to own up to it. It could have ended there but for the Left’s determination to make J6 into something it simply was not: an insurrection fomented by Donald Trump and carried out by rabid MAGA loyalists.

In the interview, Chansley called out white-supremacist, anti-semite provocateur Nick Fuentes for being in the J6 crowd with a megaphone and spurring people to go inside the Capitol. Fuentes did not do time for his part in fomenting the J6 riot–though some of his compatriots did.

Likewise, Ray Epps, an ex-leader of the right-wing Oath Keepers who was rumored to be an undercover federal agent, avoided being arrested for his part in fomenting the riot by urging the crowd to enter the Capitol.

The New York Post reported that Epps said “I’m gonna put it out there. I’m probably gonna go to jail for this. Tomorrow, we need to go into the Capitol! Into the Capitol!” The statement caused onlookers—and later Republican lawmakers—to accuse Epps of being a “fed” charged with instigating the riot.

Why would Fuentes and Epps walk free while people like Chansley–who promoted peace and even stopped people from stealing food inside the Capitol–be sentenced to prison?

It was, according to Chansley, an attempt to create a false reality. The Left wanted a riot so they could transmogrify it into an insurrection using smoke and mirrors. If it had worked, the CCTV footage showing Chansley peacefully strolling through the Capitol accompanied by police might have never been released.

Why would they think they would get away with it? Hubris.

Prophetic Fiction

The Left just doesn’t get it. You can’t use reality to create a fiction that then replaces reality. It never works. The truth always comes out. That doesn't stop them from trying.

Fiction can, however, predict a future reality.

There are lots of references to George Orwell’s novel 1984 these days and for good reason. Orwell depicted a nightmarish dystopia of a totalitarian society that eerily resembles what we have been living through for at least a decade.

In Chansley’s case, Kafka’s The Trial is more apt. The tale opens with. “Somebody must have slandered Joseph K., for one morning, without having done anything wrong, he was arrested.”

Sound familiar? Being sentenced to over three years in prison for non-violent trespassing is akin to being arrested for not “having done anything wrong.”

Joseph K., in his 30s at the time, never finds out why he was arrested or what he is charged with. He never figures out the principles of justice governing the bureaucracy that condemns him to death. Defeated by the absurdity of it all, he does not resist his execution.

Chansley does understand the principles of the Left. They use PSYOPS to create a false reality where they–and they alone–hold the reins of power. If they are successful, we will all be subject to the fate of Joseph K.

The internal fortitude of patriots like Chansley–unlike K.–do and will resist power-mongering governmental officials who seek to force-feed citizens a false reality. They are heroes of the psychic war and should be treated as such. That's why Trump has vowed to pardon the non-violent men and women who were convicted for being at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Spiritual Struggle

What we have at base, according to Chansley, is a spiritual problem

“I'm a spiritual activist more than a political one,” Chansley said in the interview, “I believe that our socioeconomic and geopolitical systems are so corrupted and distorted because our spiritual systems and our spiritual perspective has become so corrupted and so distorted.”


The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that school-mandated prayers in public schools are unconstitutional since 1962. Take prayer out of schools and you take God out of culture. That is the root of the problem. Marxists hate God. You get the picture.

Picking up on the spiritual angle, Wallace told Chansley, “[F]rom what it sounds like to me, you're just saying, listen, be a good person, have morals. You know, have a standard of principles that you live by looking at yourself first.”

Exactly. But a Leftist might tell you that their morals and principles dictate that they be in charge of reality as your overlords. Men like Chasley (and Trump) will never agree to that.

Morality and goodness without God are like a mother without milk for her newborn babe. No good can come from it. Leftists–who are all derivatives of Marxism–hate God. The spiritual chasm between Conservatives and Leftists is too wide to be bridged.

Chansley’s sense of a transcendent good responsible for human morality will seem nebulous to many, but it is better than the alternative: abject relativism where morality equates with desire.

The transcendent good keeps Chansley afloat on a sea of PSYOPS out to wreak havoc on truth.

You haven't heard the last of Jacob Chansley. Listen to the entire interview to find out why.